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Message from the director
Hiroyasu Iso
Director of the Institute for Global Health Policy Research (iGHP), Bureau of International Health Cooperation, National Center for Global health, and Medicine

I am the Director of the Research Project for the Establishment of an NDB Research System for Health Policy and Other Purposes through 6NC Collaboration.
Each of the six national centers is a separate organization specializing in cancer and other malignant neoplasms, cardiovascular diseases, mental and neurological diseases, infectious diseases, diseases related to growth and development, aging diseases, and other diseases. However, they all share a typical role in clinical care, research, and human resource development. They are also expected to make policy proposals for medical care from these perspectives.
The research group investigates and analyzes the incidence of diseases by using NDB, predicting and publishing future trends and countermeasures, creating a system, and fostering human resources that will be useful for the development of NDB research.